International Training Programme in KEMI
01 Introduction to Enforcement AnnikaH
02 Organisation and responsibilities for chemicals control JörgenR
03 Methodology and Strategies for Enforcement in practise AH
04 Inspection exercise Funchem AH+JR
05 National enforcement projects II AH+JR
Chemical Inventories AsaA 2014-09-19
Chemicals – Identification GunillaA 2014-09-19
Classification exercise example
ECHA Guidance on Classification and Labelling
ECHA Guidance on the Application of the CLP Criteria
ECHA Introductory Guidance on the CLP Regulation
Economic analysis and policy instruments ITP 2014 MC_20140924
Environmental exposure+risk assessment_Helena_Lilian_Johannes
Environmental exposure+risk assessment_Helena_Part2
GHS_Env Hazard_JonasF – with exercises_140922
GHS Implementation Strategy_September 2010
GHS_ITP Europe 2014 Env Hazard_JF – handouts without exercises
Global Chemicals Outlook UNEP 2012
Göran Wall – Product Stewarship_guideline_2012
Göran Wall – Progress report 2013 data 2012 Engelska
Göran Wall – SDS ChecklistIKEM_2014
Göran Wall – The new Safety Data Sheet_aug2012
Group discussion 18 September 2014
Guidelines safe and effective use
Guidelines using crop protection products in hot climates
Health hazards-Classification and labelling-including basic toxicology_
Human Exposure-Risk Assessment_Part1_BengtM24Sept2014
Human Exposure-Risk Assessment_Part2_BengtM24Sept2014
International data sources without exercises AsaA 2014-09-19
Introduction to GHS presentation_Lennart-Lorens_140922
ITP299EU 2014 Swedish Chemicals Agency
KemI PM1_10 Capacity Building for Sound Management of Chemicals (1)
KemI PM1_10 Capacity Building for Sound Management of Chemicals
KemI PM1-13 The influence of legislation on the location of chemical industries (1)
KemI PM1-13 The influence of legislation on the location of chemical industries
KemI PM4_08 Legislation for risk managementat marketing of Chemicals
KemI Report 2_05 Chemicals Risk Management as a Driver of Development
KemI Report 3_13 Chemicals in Textiles
KemI Report 5_10 Chemical Industry from an Economic Perspective
Lilian Tornqvist Pesticide Authorization September 2014 LIRA Guidance UNEP_
IOMC January 2012 Mercury managament_StinaA_
ITP Sep 2014 Monitoring_LindaLSwEPA_
ITPSept2014 PEC calculation soil and surfacewater
Practical guidance on how to access information from the EU pesticide registration process
Product register AsaA 2014-09-19
Risk management-ITP-EU2014_AnnaF
Södertälje Municipality-An example,
Sorting of hazardous waste at KemI
State of the Science on Endocrine Disprupting Chemicals WHO_UNEP 2012
Study visit Södertälje Municipality
Substances in articles Mariana P
Sustainable use of pesticides PeterB 30 Sept 2014
SweWorkEnvAuthorithy-Marie Cardfelt-20141003
Use of chemicals GunillaA 2014-09-19
Why do we need chemicals control EvaS_140915[0.1]