Ky program mbështet dhe promovon thellimin e njohurive rreth çështjeve të Integrimit Evropian, mësimdhënien dhe kërkimin  mbi historinë, politikat, ekonominë, marrëdhëniet ndërkombëtare dhe legjislacionin e Bashkimit Evropian. Aplikimi në programin Jean Monnet është i hapur për të gjithë Institucionet e Arsimit të Lartë dhe për të gjitha disiplinat që kanë pikë-prerje me fushën e Integrimit Evropian.

Ky aplikim ka një procedurë të thjeshtë dhe bëhet në bazë institucioni. Ai nuk kërkon detyrimisht krijimin e partneriteve me IAL –të tjera.

Jean Monnet

Jean Monnet Activities are designed to promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. The activities also foster the dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers, in particular with the aim of enhancing governance of EU policies.

European Union studies comprise the study of Europe in its entirety with particular emphasis on the European integration process in both its internal and external aspects. The discipline also covers the role of the EU in a globalised world and in promoting an active European citizenship and dialogue between people and cultures.

What types of activities are supported?

  1. Teaching and Research: Jean Monnet Modules, Chairs and Centres of Excellence.
  2. Support to Associations: Jean Monnet support to Associations.
  3. Policy debate with the Academic World: Jean Monnet Networks and Jean Monnet Projects.

Key activities include courses, research, conferences, networking activities, and publications in the field of EU studies.

What are the outcomes foreseen?

For participants directly or indirectly:

• enhanced employability and improved career prospects for young graduates, by including or reinforcing a European dimension in their studies;
• increased interest in understanding and participating in the European Union, leading to a more active citizenship;
• support for young researcher (i.e. who have obtained a PhD degree in the last five years) and professors who want to carry out research and teaching on EU subjects;
• increased opportuntities for academic staff in terms of professionals and career development.

For participating organisations:

• increased capacity to teach and research on EU matters;
• increased allocation of financial resources to teaching and research on EU subjects within the institution;
• more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment inside the organisation; ready to integrate good practices and new EU subjects into didactic programmes and initiatives, open to synergies with other organisations.

Who can take part?

Opportunities are available to higher education institutions worldwide. Furthermore certain actions are open to organizations active in the European Union subject area and associations of professors and researchers specialising in European Union Studies.

Individuals cannot apply for a grant.

Jean Monnet Activities are described in detail in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide and are part of the General Call for proposals.

Two e-tutorials that focus on the international dimension of the Erasmus+ are available. They provide information about Jean Monnet Activities in Higher Education and other international actions of the programme, and on how to prepare a competitive proposal.


For the timetable go to the funding page.

Jean Monnet Activities support also the following designated institutions pursuing an aim of European interest:

  • the European University Institute
  • the College of Europe (Bruges and Natolin campuses)
  • the European Institute of Public Administration
  • the Academy of European Law
  • the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, and
  • the International Centre for European training