Better Training for Safer Food
- 00 Introduction to EU legislation regarding PPP and their use
- 01 Legal requirements
- 02 Safe use – identification of hazards and risks to humans
- 03 Safe Use – Measures to minimise risks to humans
- 04 Safe use – application equipment
- 05 Environmental aspects and sustainable use of PPPs – drift
- 06 Environmental aspects and sustainable use of PPPs – IPM
- 07 Minimisation of side effects of PPPs for the environment _new
- 08 Post-training dissemination
Plant Health: Surveillance & control of outbreaks
- 01 Survey outbreak legislation FINAL
- 02 New Plant Health Legislation FINAL
- 03 General approach to surveys v3
- 04 Surveys for specific pests FINAL
- 05 Important pests of potato
- 07 Measures against serious potato pests
- 08 Action against non-regulated pests
- 09 Notifications FINAL
- 10 Xylella fastidiosa revised NG 12 April 2017
- 11 Priority pests
- 13 Contingency plans
- 14 Other Emergency Decisions
- 15 High Risk Pathways
- 16 Communication campaigns part II
- 18 Effective Containment