Welcome to Euphresco network

Euphresco is a network of organisations funding research projects and coordinating national research in the phytosanitary area. The overall goal of Euphresco is to support coordination and collaboration in the area of phytosanitary research, and to become a strong, long-term network of funders that fully incorporate existing and new members.


NEW! The 2017-2022 Strategic Research Agenda can be found HERE
НОВАЯ! Программа стратегических исследований 2017-2022 находится ЗДЕСЬ
A leaflet about Euphresco can be found HERE
The 2017 newsletter to stakeholders can be downloaded 

The rate of introduction and establishment of new plant pests has increased steadily over the last century as a result of expanding globalisation of trade, exacerbated by climate change. At the same time, European phytosanitary science capacity (taxonomy, classical plant pathology, etc.) has been eroding in the last decades, because they are no longer on the forefront of science priorities. This brought the plant health area to a state of emergency, as indicated by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization’s Madeira statement (2004).

In Europe, many of the phytosanitary policies, regulations and underpinning technical recommendations are determined at regional level, while the research that supports them is mostly funded and carried out at the national level. Coordination of such national activities is then vital to reduce the impact of plant pests on the economy, the environment and the health of citizens at the level of each country but more generally at European and international level.

Latest news

Euphresco goes open, we started to move all documents on open access repositories. The corner stone has been put here2017-12-15 14:33
Euphresco mentioned in the conclusions from the Ministerial Conference on Xylella fastidiosa2017-12-08 10:00
A few places left to participate in the training on DNA Barcoding. For more information and to register click here2017-10-11 15:25
The Turkish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock is hosting the EPPO Council and Euphresco Governing Board meetings on the 27th of September 2017 in Antalya2017-09-26 23:45
Euphresco invited at the workshop of UK Research Councils Global Challenges Research Fund Animal and Plant Health Workshop to share its view on research priorities2017-07-07 00:07
Research co-ordination as an answer to global plant health